Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature

Book Trails

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  • Location: Las Vegas

Diva Las Vegas

2000s: Belinda Jones is a seasoned and passionate traveller and just when you think you know Las Vegas from books and TV, she shows you…

  • Location: Barcelona

The City of Marvels

1888/1929: A fictional account of Barcelona between the Universal Expositions of 1888 and 1929.

  • Location: Chile, Santiago

The Dancer and the Thief

1970s: A book for all the senses set in Chile’s lively cultural and criminal scene

  • Location: England, Cornwall, Australia

The Forgotten Garden

1914, 1975, 2005: A gruelling journey at sea. A mysterious woman called the authoress who disappears and a secret which circles from England to Australia…

  • Location: England, London (fictional Hogwarts)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Book 1)

Timeless: Come and meet the most famous boy wizard in the world!

Featured Book

Beautiful Ugly

2024: A very remote island deep in the Hebrides….

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