Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Sweden

A North So True

A North So True

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: A tiny Swedish village with  a smorgasbord of secrets

  • ISBN: 978-0473328702
  • Genre: Romance

What you need to know before your trail

Zoe Bailey’s transient childhood left her with a passport full of stamps, an ambiguous accent, and nowhere to call home. And as a grown-up, her career at a relentlessly slick London PR firm has been half-hearted at best–until she travels on assignment to Lillavik as a not-quite-legit wildlife volunteer.

The tiny Swedish village holds a smorgasbord of secrets…and Jakob Westermark. Aloof and wild, like the wolves he studies, Jakob has good reason for keeping his distance. But when Zoe finds herself drawn to him, the temptation to mix pleasure with business is too strong to resist.

Then Jakob’s wolves are threatened, and suspicion turns her way. With more to lose than she ever imagined, Zoe sets out to untangle the hidden threads running through Lillavik…and maybe, finally, find her own true north.

Travel Guide



A fictional village in the north of Sweden.
There are places with similar names but not in the north but there is a Lillavik but that’s in Norway.

Still, Lillavik with its snow and remoteness is reminiscent of so many villages in and around the north where you can see the Northern lights as on the cover of this very novel!

Alcina goes to the village of Lillavik in Sweden and pose as a volunteer wildlife enthusiast, in order to spy on them and see what they do there. There is a group of wealthy landowners in the North of Scotland who are opposed to the proposed reintroduction of wolves to the wild. There’s another group who wants the creatures to run free. So, by going to Sweden, she’s going to find the chink in their armour and so bring down the cause closer to home.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: A North So True

Destination: Sweden “Lillavik”  Author/guide: Serena Kent Departure Time: 2000s

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