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2000s: The Sequel to Driving over Lemons
2000s: The Sequel to Driving over Lemons
Driving Over Lemons told the story of Chris’s move to a remote mountain farm in Las Alpujarras – an oddball region of Spain, south of Granada. Moving on from the lemons, it’s time for the Parrot in the Pepper Tree, which follows the lives of Chris, Ana and their daughter, Chloë, as they get to grips with a….. parrot who joins their family.
This is also the story of them becoming settled in their new home, still being surprised at the success of the first book and discovering that their beloved valley is once more under threat of a dam. There are also many flashbacks as to Chris’s early life in Spain.
The author is keen to explain that he’s still living on the farm at El Valero and that he’s very surprised that people still ask him that as if they’re expecting to find him in a marbled clad villa somewhere.
He says he and his family still really enjoy living here and that the only way they’ll leave is in a box. The very book he wrote of the early experiences is the book which is making his living there possible.
“I had just turned forty when we bought El Valero; Ana was a few years younger. Looking back, it was a good age for a move. We could managed the constant round of work and still have energy left to look about us and make improvements
The book also carried some sense of vindication of the crazy decision we had taken where we upped sticks and moved here”
Author/Guide: Chris Stewart Destination: Andalusia Departure Time: 2000s
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