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  • Location: Liverpool

A Tapping at My Door

A Tapping at My Door

Why a Booktrail?

2000s : Don’t you dare open your door if you hear the dreaded tap tap tap from outside….

  • ISBN: 978-1785761072
  • Genre: Crime, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

A woman at home in Liverpool is disturbed by a persistent tapping at her back door. Cautiously she goes to investigate and find that it’s a raven and so relieved  to a point, she goes to shoo it away -only this is when the unseen killer strikes

DS NAthan Cody is soon on the investigation but the crime scene is one of horror – the dead bird lies beside the body and the victim’s eyes have been removed. Cody is reminded of something from his past and it’s his inner demons he is also facing now. When the killer strikes again, it appears as if he and indeed the police are the real targets of this deranged killer.

Travel Guide

Bold Street

Cody works undercover as a busker at the bottom of Bold Street. This is the starting point for Cody running and following someone through Central Station and into Clayton Square.

Stanley Road, Kirkdale Police station

Cody’s unit, the Major Incident Team, is housed in the police station here. It’s next door to a funeral parlour and so there’s banter in the novel about this being the only way the plice can find a dead body


Cody goes to the residential area to investifate and remembers going to the library when he was young. He also remembers the  Francis Bacon quote above the library door: ‘Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.’

Rodney Street

Cody rents a flat above a dental practice here. Rodney Street is sometimes referred to as the Harley Street of the north, with its doctors, dentists, etc.

Pubs: Ye Cracke, The Philharmonic, The Beehive

Some pubs are mentioned in the novel and are some of the author favourites.  Ye Cracke is famous for being the place where John Lennon used to drink. Just around the corner is what used to be the grammar school where Paul McCartney and George Harrison attended and even the author himself. Another pub, The Beehive, is where Cody has a meeting with Dobson the journalist.

Streetview Maps

C) Liverpool - Kensington Library
E) Liverpool - The Beehive pub

Trail Gallery

Booktrailer Review

Cleo : @cleo_bannister

As soon as I met him in A Tapping at my Door, I instantly liked DIS Nathan Cody. Our chief protagonist is a former undercover policeman. Nathan Cody is not fond of the a local reporter, suffers with insomnia and has a hint of recklessness about him but, David Jackson doesn’t overplay these issues, they are there, and clearly a concern, not least to Cody himself, but he does work as part of a team and there are minimal lone wolf moments.

David Jackson has combined a fabulous plot and great characters into the Liverpool setting. This was also very well done with its helpful explanation of the difference between the new touristy bits and those slightly rougher parts of town cleverly slipped into the story to give a sense of place and to me this felt distinct from any generic English city.

But best of all the writing comes with a good dose of wry humour which I love and fits the outsiders view of Liverpudlians. This meant that despite some gruesome murders, the book never felt depressing.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: A Tapping At My Door

Author/Guide:David Jackson  Destination: Liverpool  Departure Time: 2000s

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