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  • Location: England, Essex, 'Little Creek'

A Village Scandal

A Village Scandal

Why a Booktrail?

1869:  Daisy is hoping for the wedding she’s been waiting for…but then the groom disappears…

  • ISBN: 978-0008287795
  • Genre: Historical, Sagas

What you need to know before your trail

It’s spring in Little Creek and wedding bells are ringing. After their hasty marriage the Christmas before, Daisy is overjoyed to be finally marrying dashing Jay properly, in front of the whole village.

But then, on the evening of their wedding, amid the festivities, Jay disappears. Daisy doesn’t know if Jay is dead or alive, if she’s his wife or his widow. And what’s more, without her husband, she has no means of supporting herself or her household.

Refusing to give up hope, Daisy must draw on all her strength and courage – after all, she has people who depend on her. But the secret of Jay’s disappearance is more scandalous that she could have ever imagined…

Travel Guide

Travel down to Little Creek Village with Dilly Court

Little-Creek Map from the novel

Little-Creek Map from the novel

We’re back to this, sadly fictional, village – sad as it seems such an interesting place to live! The map in the book is necessary  to imagine where the characters live and how they move around the village. There’s a bit of a scandal mind – Daisy and Jay finally get married properly but by the end of the day Jay has disappeared. That’s when the real search begins.

For a small village, there’s lots going on and this captures much of the social niceties of the time and the problems faced by those in poverty and of different social classes. Lovely characters and homes to visit.

Best to read A Christmas Wedding before readng this one as it’s the second in the Village series.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: A Village Scandal

Destination/location: England, Essex ‘Little Creek’   Author/guide: Dilly Court  Departure Time: 1869

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