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  • Location: Bangkok, Dubai, Hong Kong

A World of Trouble

A World of Trouble

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Where do you escape when your whole world is such a dangerous place?

  • ISBN: 978-9814361514
  • Genre: Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Jack Shepherd is sick of Washington politics, sick of corporate law, and even a little sick of himself. So he hits the road looking for a new start, makes a couple of wrong turns, and winds up in Hong Kong.

He becomes General Chalerm Kitnarok’s lawyer –  the world’s 98th richest man. But he’s also a former prime minister of Thailand living in exile in Dubai where he s plotting his return to power.

However, that could be a real problem. The new Thai prime minister is Kathleeya Srisophon, a woman with whom Shepherd was once involved. Then Shepherd discovers Charlie is smuggling arms to his supporters in Thailand. Is he going to assassinate Kate and use the Thai army to seize control of the country? Thailand is hurtling closer and closer to a bloody civil war. And as unlikely as it sounds, Jack Shepherd may be the only person on earth who can stop it.

Travel Guide

Bangkok, Dubai, Hong Kong (and Phuket)

Get ready to travel to Dubai, Hong Kong, Bangkok and Phuket for intrigue and more

It’s the politics and gang warfare in these places which really act as the setting for the action and thrills. Thailand has a special kind of politics as unravels in the book  – power struggles and political back handers and this forms the basis for the entire crime and mystery.

A problem outlined in the novel is the street battles which have tortured the country and kept levels of tensions high. Outsider who come to the country to examine this or to become involved in it in any way are not welcome

As well as on the political level, there is a good illustration of contemporary Asian cities with their buzz, noise, street level chaos and social mores of its people coming to life.

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  A World of Trouble

Destination: Bangkok, Dubai, Hong Kong  Author/Guide: Jake Needham  Departure Time: 2000s

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