Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Yorkshire ( fictional Pogley Top)

Afternoon Tea at the Sunflower Café

Afternoon Tea at the Sunflower Café

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Come on in and take a seat for afternoon tea at the Sunflower Café. How lovely does that sound?

  • ISBN: 978-1471140464
  • Genre: Fiction, Humour

What you need to know before your trail

Connie Diamond is devastated to find out that her husband Jimmy has been playing away for the past 24 years. What can she do and what should she do to the man who has taken everything she had away?

After some thought, she decide the only way forward is to destroy his life from the inside – by setting up a rival business to his cleaning firm Diamond Shine. So, Lady Muck is born, and with the cleaning ladies who meet at the Sunflower Café, they’ll make him wish he had never so much as looked at another woman.

Connie is also smarting at the chocolates Jimmy has given her as a peace offering of sorts so when she meets a master chocolatier, can he get her to enjoy chocolate once again?

Travel Guide

The very title of the book transports you to a time and place long before you open the first page.

The titled Sunflower Cafe is much more than a cafe however – it is a secret, safe haven for all the women. They can talk here without anyone like their husbands listening in,knowing that they wouldn’t be judged and that other women will only be to glad to help.

This is the setting for the whole range of characters to burst forth from and the stage is set for a varied bunch! Cheryl in particular is a good friend to have and we all know someone like Astrid! And as for Della and Connie -anyone who comes up with the name of Lady Muck for a cleaning company deserves a high five.

Their journey down the road of revenge takes them places that may not be advisable such as hacking into the rival website, but the world of the cleaners in the story and their antics are a breath of fresh air

Female friendships and the true meaning of sticking together through tough times is the real atmosphere in the novel. Best enjoyed eating tea, cake and sandwiches to immerse yourself in the setting the Sunflower cafe.

Eating mini strawberry cheesecakes of course…author recommended. Since the book is set in fictional Pogley Top and the author comes from Yorkshire, we’ve picked a fine Yorkshire setting for booktrail inspiration.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

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Web: millyjohnson.co.uk

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