Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Yorkshire Dales

All Teachers Great and Small

All Teachers Great and Small

Why a Booktrail?

1980s: A charming tale of a man who taught in a Yorkshire school and wrote his experiences down in a heart warming memoir

  • ISBN: 978-0755362141
  • Genre: Autobiography/memoirs

What you need to know before your trail

This is the true life tale of one man, Andy Seed, who incidentally has the perfect name since he loves gardening, who spent his first year as a teacher in a small school tucked away into the side of the Yorkshire dales.
This was his first year as a qualified teacher so not only does he have to get used to life in a school but he also has to navigate the twists and turns or is that gentle ondulations of the Yorkshire dales themselves and life in this warm hearted and gentle paced part of the world.
Cragthwaite Primary School opens its doors with a chapter dedicated to each of the children in Andy’s class in turn.

Travel Guide

Pop on the kettle, open the Yorkshire tea of course and let’s start our journey into Yorkshire.
For this is a charming tale of one young man’s memories of his first job as a teacher and he shows us around as he discovers his new home and place of work himself.
For this is the Yorkshire of the 1980s and harks back to a gentler and simpler time where the kids want to play British bulldog  but where they end up playing guess the famous person instead.

Yorkshire is portrayed as a place of calmness and happiness with life to a large extent but it’s not all plain sailing of course for Andy as he gets used to the culture shock, the language (dialect) and immersed himself in a school that seemed to be stuck in a 1950s time warp

“Yorkshire had some fine expressions of their own”

Not all places are referred to by their real name – to protect the main stars of the show no doubt but the Yorkshire charm is on every single page. Just mind those bends and bumps in the road as Andy did. Yet isn’t this the best part of the journey?

“The Yorkshire Dales was the place: open, glorious, quiet and beautiful”

Cragthwaite Primary School – (fictional in name)
A school you will wish you had been to for it sounds fun. The guess the famous person game? Yes please. Especially if Barney is in the class.

Mini Yorkshire people in the making with their quirky gestures an their individual personalities.

The story of life in a school is a fun and nostalgic trip down memory lane and teachers and children of the 1980s will rejoice at the memories of the cheeky class notes and the fun and games

The Yorkshire adventure

Having moved from their home in Cheshire, a life in the Yorkshire Dales must have seemed like a real adventure.

“The Yorkshire Dales -a place so overwhelmingly magnificent that the contrast between this setting and our previous home in a town centre terrace seemed almost too much to take in”

Yorkshire here is portrayed as a series of long and curvy country roads, stone walls built to last and a charming notion of Yorkshire high tea. Pour another brew, there’s  a dear and serve up another slice of Yorkshire fare..

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