Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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  • Location: Galveston, Texas, Buffalo

An Ocean of Minutes

An Ocean of Minutes

Why a Booktrail?

1980, 1993: What far would you go for the one you love?

  • ISBN: 978-1786487919
  • Genre: Fantasy/Sci Fi

What you need to know before your trail

Polly and Frank are young and in love, a lifetime together before them. But one evening in 1980, as the Texas sun sets over their shoulders, the world is suddenly pulled apart by a deadly virus. Within months, Frank is dying. Polly can save him, but only if she agrees to a radical plan: to time travel to 1993 for a corporation who can fund his life-saving treatment. She can only go forward, she cannot go back. And she must leave everything she loves behind, including Frank.

All they have is the promise of a future together: they will find each other again in twelve years’ time, in Galveston, Texas, where the sea begins.

But when something goes wrong and Polly arrives late, Frank is nowhere to be found. Completely alone, Polly must navigate a terrifying new world to find him, and to discover if their love has endured.

Travel Guide

Galveston Texas

“People wishing to time travel go to Houston Intercontinental Airport. At the orientation, the staff tell them that time travel is just lie air travel, you even go to the same facility. People used to be apprehensive about airline travel too. But when you arrive at the airport, it is not the same at all.”

The USA has split into two countries – the rich northern states are now called the United States, and the southern states, including Texas, are now called America.

However due to the virus which is spreading  like a contagion…the country is under quarantine..America is now the USA’s much poorer cousin.

There’s a blitz of ads for the Rebuild America Time Travel Initiative.

If the experiment fails, and one of them couldn’t make it, then every Saturday in September they would head to the flagship hotel in Galveston until they find each other.

There’s interesting ways of travel – meet ups, contact forms when the first travellers are expected in 12 years time, time travelling is tricky!


The city where Polly works in a bookkeeping place just off a side street close to City hall. It’s also where she spends time with Frank and where the time travel journey  continues.

An Ocean of Minutes

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

Can true love withstand the test of time if one person travels to the future while the other is left behind ? What happens when there’s also a deadly virus to contend with? That’s the exciting premise behind this read which I really enjoyed. A bit silly but in a good way. I haven’t read many time travel/sci fi books in a while but this was a lot of fun.

It’s fascinating when you think about it – if you’ve seen the movie The Lake House, when one person travels into the future and vows to wait for their loved one….Ah that’s true love right? Well, not sure about Polly in the story. She wasn’t as emotional as I expected her to be. But maybe time travel messes with your mind.

Whilst some parts were more light hearted, the ‘scenes’ about the flu pandemic and the post apocalyptic descriptions were eerie and very evocative. Some of the places are real too, which heightened the tension. Take care if you head to Houston airport anytime soon!

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  An Ocean of Minutes

Destination : Galveston, Texas, Buffalo  Author/Guide: Thea Lim  Departure Time: 1980, 1993

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