Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Oxford, London

Anatomy of a Scandal

Anatomy of a Scandal

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: A scandal amongst Britain’s privileged elite and the women caught up in its wake.

  • ISBN: 978-1471164996
  • Genre: legal/political, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Sophie’s husband James is a loving father and successful public figure. And yet he stands accused of a terrible crime. Sophie is convinced he is innocent and desperate to protect her family from the fall out.

Kate is the lawyer hired to prosecute the case, yet she is certain James is guilty and is determined he will pay for his crimes.

Who is right about James? Can your own experiences cloud your judgement and can you always see someone so close as  clearly as you would like?

Travel Guide


The author, Sarah Vaughan, spent many years at the Guardian as a news reporter and political correspondent and this  story feels like it has been ripped from the headlines.

Set in the heart of London, in the upper echelons of the political arena, there are dark shadows and accusations of the most despicable . A Tory politician, James Whitehouse accused of rape in the corridors of power. Can the highest levels of power ever be breached? Is a powerful figure really untouchable or is he the target of someone wanting revenge?

London showcases the clinical courtroom, the British justice system and trial proceedings and the aftermath of that trial.


What kind of life do the politicians and the privileged have at college and growing up before they enter the hallowed halls of politics? What kind of lifestyle do they immerse themselves in at university and what happens when power goes to their heads? Only the best students get to Oxford, the brains of the future. But those who work hard have to play hard and sometimes this goes back to the bare bones of hedonism.

Working class characters mix with those with rich parents and privilege in a world where everyone is trying to get ahead and get a postion of power in either Oxbridge or elsewhere

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

Could this be more timely? It’s mainly set in a courtroom and within the heads of the characters so it’s not a booktrail book of sorts but what it does do, is open up the floodgates of this being set anywhere, in any city, in any industry. It’s an interesting take on a subject so prominent in the news (sadly)

The scandal and subsequent anatomy of it  is a dissection about secrets, a marriage,  scandal, social class, money and ultimately right and wrong (depending of course on how wealthy and powerful you are)   The story is told from differing perspectives which worked really well for this kind of story – everyone literarily gets their say – James is the politician accused of a heinous crime; Sophie, the wife who believes in her husband’s innocence; and Kate the barrister who  knows he’s guilty.

I think this book is ideal for bookgroups given the level of discussion and analysis it will no doubt lead to.

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Anatomy of a Scandal

Destination: Oxford, London   Author/Guide: Sarah Vaughan Departure Time: 2000s

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