Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
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  • Location: Afghanistan

Anatomy of a Soldier

Anatomy of a Soldier

Why a Booktrail?

1990s, 2000s – See what being on the frontline is really like.

  • ISBN: 978-0571325818
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

The ultimate view of a war zone from people there – a solider on the front line, two boys growing up where the fighting is taking place, flying kites and trying as best they can to enjoy their childhood.

When the soldiers arrive, the young friends become separated. the Soldiers invade their land and people from all sides of the conflict are thrown together in a sea of violence and chaos. One man trains a boy to take on the so called Infidels, boys lose their childhood and lives are destroyed. Soldiers wish to return home to be with their families.

What are the human effects of war?



Travel Guide

We can all imagine what war must be like and what a war zone might entail but nothing will prepare you for this book. As nothing is as you imagined. There are some 45 different narrators in this book – many of them inanimate objects such as night vision goggles, a false leg, a gun and each of them play a part in the war and so have a different view of the scene unfolding in front of them.

These are described as the hidden forces which act on the bodies of both those who are fighting and those who aren’t. The author was himself a soldier in both Iraq and Afghanistan and this really is a remarkable account of what he and his fellow men have done. This is so vivid a picture of war and what that means in the gritty and visceral detail.

The places in the book are either vague or fictional and as this is a sensitive book we’ve just shown you the location of the two main cities as this book is really about letting your imagination taking you in to the battlefield –  what could be described as hell on earth

Booktrailer Review


Harry Illingworth @harryillers

It’s the memories of where I was when I read a certain book that really stand out. I won’t forget sitting up in my bed reading Anatomy of a Soldier (Goldsboro’s March Book of the Month in Feb 2016) in a frenzied afternoon.

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