Why a Booktrail?
2WW: The poignant writing of the young girl whose own life story has become an everlasting source of courage.
2WW: The poignant writing of the young girl whose own life story has become an everlasting source of courage.
Hiding from the Nazis in the Secret Annex of an old office building in Amsterdam, a thirteen-year-old girl named Anne Frank became a writer.
The now famous diary of her private life and thoughts reveals only part of Anne’s story, however. This book rounds out the portrait of this remarkable and talented young author.
Amsterdam and Anne Frank’s House
Museum house where Anne Frank & her family hid from the Nazis in a secret annex, during WWII. You will never forget the day and time you visit this amazing musuem. When you realise the small size of the rooms and the claustrophobic conditions of the house, let alone the fact that Anne and several others had to live here as quietly as possible, you won’t be able to imagine it. The photos that Anne pasted on her bedroom wall are still there as is much of the furniture and bits from the house. The most iconic site is of course that bookcase that moved aside to reveal the secret annex. A video narration at the end by Anne’s father will have you in tears if you aren’t already.
Author/Guide: Anne Frank Destination: Amsterdam Departure Time: 2WW
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