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  • Location: Prince Edward Island, Cavendish

Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables

Why a Booktrail?

Early 1900s -Such a classic not just in Canada but across the world. A lovely story for every age

The TV version was filmed in Northern Ontario but it’s PEI that has the scenery and the atmosphere of the book.

  • ISBN: 978-0099582649
  • Genre: Childrens

What you need to know before your trail

Elderly brother and sister Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert live on a farm  – Green Gables. They decide to adopt an orphan boy to help them with the work. But when Matthew goes to the station to pick the boy up, there is only a red headed girl waiting for them. And so, Anne Shirley enters their world.

With her knack of getting into trouble, daydreaming instead of doing the chores and constantly making up stories and names for things, Green Gables will never be the same again.

Travel Guide

From the moment that Anne arrives at the green gabled home of Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, the home is one where this poor red headed orphan is going to find a home and the place she has always belonged to.

She arrives on the train at Bright River, the mistake is that they were expecting a boy to help on the farm. What they are not prepared for is the fanciful and amusing ramblings of a child with a very active imagination! Oh those dreams of her sleeping in a cherry tree, the risk of her carpet bag tipping out the few possessions she owns. within seconds of getting in the horse and cart, they reach the avenue, a stretch of road arched over with huge wide-spreading apple trees, a long canopy of snowy fragrant bloom and ‘Barry’s pond which Anne renames ‘ the Lake of Shining Waters’.

It is in this magical and beautiful place where Anne tastes freedom and joy

“But just as soon as I saw it I felt it was home. Oh it seems as if I must be in a dream”

Prince Edward Island must be one of THE most picturesque and charming places ever in the whole world. This remote part of Canada is almost a separate community on its own island and a world away from anything you will ever see.

Although the TV version was mainly filmed in northern Ontario, the scenery described in the books as seen through the eyes of Anne, Matthew, Marilla and Gilbert is as exactly as you might imagine. To visit the tourist museums and the Green Gables house is to quite literally step into the book itself. Sit in Anne’s bedroom, see the lake of Shining Waters and the house where the author LM Montgomery herself lived in. This is the place which inspired and influenced her writing and you can see why.

Streetview Maps

A) Green Gables House
D) Lake of Shining Waters

Booktrailer Review


Oh the joy of this book just lasts and lasts and it was the book which took me to Canada to see the settings for real. This is a gorgeous tale from start to finish and Anne is everyone’s best friend with her quirky ways and overactive imagination.

The moment when she and Diana become Bosom  Buddies, drink Raspberry cordial and get up to all kinds of adventures is something that has stayed with me ever since. To see Marilla and MAtthew change from their old ways to the new Anne way of life is delightful for both children and adults alike. I’ve read this story very young, as a teenager and as an adult and I never fail to smile.

PEI really is as gorgeous as described in the book and it should be on the list of every discernible booktrailer!

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: Anne of Green Gables

Author/Guide: L.M. Montgomery  Destination: Prince Edward Island  Departure Time: Early 1900s

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