Why a Booktrail?
Anne leaves Green Gables and takes up a new role on the shores of Four Winds Harbour
Anne leaves Green Gables and takes up a new role on the shores of Four Winds Harbour
Life seems perfect to Anne Shirley, about to marry her childhood friend Gilbert Blythe and set up home with him in her ‘house of dreams’ on the shores of Four Winds Harbor. There are new neighbours to meet and fresh problems to solve. But then tragedy strikes and there’s huge heartache for the young couple which takes all of their courage and love to overcome.
“There’s a big stone wall and a row of enormous trees all around it, and rows of trees all through it, and the queerest old tombstones, with the queerest and quaintest descriptions.”
—Priscilla Grant describing Old St. John’s to Anne Shirley
Although fictional, Kingsport is based on Halifax, Nova Scotia, where Lucy Maud Montgomery attended Dalhousie University and worked as a newspaper woman for the Halifax Daily Echo.
“Kingsport is a quaint old town, harking back to early Colonial days, and wrapped in its ancient atmosphere, as some fine old dame in garments fashioned like those of her youth. Here and there it sprouts out into modernity, at heart it is still unspoiled; it is full of curious relics, and haloed by the romance of many legends of the past. Once it was a mere frontier station on the fringe of the wilderness, and those where the days when Indians kept life from being monotonous to the settlers”
Everything is remarkably close by and the spirit of Anne is embedded in the island itself from the soil to the lake of Shining Waters and the cherry blossom trees. Sadly the horse and carts have been replaced by cars but they do still exist for the tourists.
The Lucy Maud Montgomery home is one quarter mile East of Green Gables and is decorated to look like the house as it would have been like in Anne’s day, with her room and the white picket fence exactly as she left it.
Lucy Maud Montgomery birthplace. No visit to the island would be complete without visiting the house of the lady who brought Anne into the world.
Author/Guide: L.M. Montgomery Destination: Prince Edward Island, Avonlea (fictional) Kingsport, Halifax Departure Time: Early 1900s
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