Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Lancaster (PA)

Baby Doll

Baby Doll

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: You’ve been held hostage for eight years. Now you are free. What happens next?

  • ISBN: 978-1784753467
  • Genre: Psychological

What you need to know before your trail

Lily Riser was kidnapped and held in a dark basement for eight years. She’s even had a child by her captor and at the start of the novel realises that this man has forgotten to lock her in this time. She escapes with her daughter, manages to get back to the family home – and this is where the story really begins. Her life of freedom has begun, or has it?

Many people assumed that Lily had been murdered. Her twin sister Abby took it worst and did a lot of things she now regrets. All she ever wanted was her sister home. But things have changed since Lily went missing and dynamics have shifted

Mum Eve is shocked to see her daughter back on her doorstep. But lily has her own daughter to look after now and she vows to get the man who destroyed her family.

Travel Guide

Crested Glen

A small and fictional settlement in Lancaster Pennsylvania. Fictional of course for what happens in the novel but a good example of a normal everyday American town devastated by one of their own going missing. And the struggles of having to come to terms with it all when she returns to them

Lily is kept in the basement of a log cabin in the woods. A cabin she eeven describes herself as smart and cosy. Where she lives however is the basement,a  cold dark space, a prison where she cowers with her daughter, noticing every sound, trying to guess the mood of her captor and trying to survive another day.

Coming home after eight years after such trauma must be….well it’s unimaginable. Lily is the outsider in familiar surroundings which aren’t familiar anymore. Her sister, her boyfriend at the time, her father, family dynamics, friends have all changed. The police want to question her, nurses want to examine her. Lily lives inside her own head to protect herself and she struggles to adapt. Her captor is still out there and she knows where he is and who he is.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:  Baby Doll

Author/Guide: Hollie Overton  Destination:  Lancaster (PA)  Departure Time: 2000s

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