Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Bangkok

Bangkok Bob and The Missing Mormon

Bangkok Bob and The Missing Mormon

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: A mormon boy goes missing in Bangkok

  • ISBN: 978-9810877767
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

Long-term Bangkok resident and former New Orleans cop Bob Turtledove has the knack of getting people out of difficult situations.

So when a young man from Utah goes missing in Bangkok, his parents are soon knocking on Bob’s door asking for help.

But what starts out as a simple missing person case takes a deadly turn as Bangkok Bob’s search for the missing Mormon brings him up against Russian gangsters, hired killers, corrupt cops and kickboxing thugs.

And he learns that even in the Land of Smiles, people can have murder on their minds.

Travel Guide


The Village of Olives

“That’s how Bangkok translate, I kid you not.. Bang means ‘village’ and ‘kok’ is an olive like fruit. Doesn’t have much of a ring to it, so the Thais prefer to call their capital Krung Thep or City of Angels.

A further taste of the city in the book:

Bangkok’s traffic light system was perfectly capable of being co-ordinated by a multi-million pound computer system but more often than not the police would override it and do the changes manually, using walkie talkies to liaise with their colleagues down the road. that meant that when a light turned red, you had no idea how long it would stay that way. Your fate lay in the hands of a man in a a tight-fitting brown uniform with a gun on his hip.

Booktrail Boarding Pass:   Bangkok Bob and The Missing Mormon

Destination : Bangkok  Author/Guide: Stephen Leather  Departure Time: 2000s

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