Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Canada

Being Prime Minister

Being Prime Minister

Why a Booktrail?

What does it mean and feel like to be the leader of Canada?

  • ISBN: 978-1459738485
  • Genre: Biography/memoirs, legal/political

What you need to know before your trail

Canada has had twenty-three prime ministers, all with views and policies that have differed as widely as the ages in which they lived. But what were they like as people? Being Prime Minister takes you behind the scenes to tell the story of Canada’s leaders and the job they do as it has never been told before.

From John A. Macdonald to Justin Trudeau, readers get a glimpse of the prime ministers as they travelled, dealt with invasions of privacy, met with celebrities, and managed the stress of the nation’s top job. Humorous and hard working, vain and vulnerable, Canada leaders are revealed as they truly were.

Travel Guide

The office of prime minister has changed and the experiences of those who occupy

it have also changed since 1867, when Sir John A Macdonald became Canada’s first PM.He handled his own correspondence, he had no security detail, and did not have to deal much with a prying media or the demands of thirty-six million Canadians. His travel was limited, and he made just one cross-country trip. Justin Trudeau, 150 years later; travels on almost a weekly bassis, visiting places across Canada and around the world; and has numerous files to rack in a Cabinet of more than thirty ministries (Madonald had 15).

Despite difference in historical contexts, our prime minister are all linked by he nature of the office….

List of PMs from the book

List of PMs from the book

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Being Prime Minister

Destination : Canada  Author/Guide: J.D.M. Stewart

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