Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Indonesia, Jakarta, Ubud, Bali

Black Water

Black Water

Why a Booktrail?

1965 & 1998: The darkest events of recent world history  are examined through the story of one troubled man.

  • ISBN: 978-0571278671
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

John Harper is on his own on an Indonesian island. He lies awake as he can ‘t sleep and how can he when he feels his life could be in danger. He’s afraid of the future but more afraid of the past, of his past.

When he decides to leave his little remote hut, he goes into town and meets Rita, who has her own set of problems. They start an affair but he is wary of getting too close

John has a past which could prove to be difficult – a Dutch mother and an Indonesian father. He works for a company which deals in intelligence gathering for governments and other big world players. However, the best intelligence comes from the most unstable parts of the world.

A man with a troubled past in a county with a troubled future..

Travel Guide

Indonesia – Jakarta and Bali

Black Water is a journey through history and some very turbulent history at that –

1965 – This was the year of the first PKI uprising. ( Communist Party of Indonesia ) John Harper is already working in the country and he has an affinity with it since he was born here too. His work in intelligence is shadowy and difficult for him to carry out as the responsibility on his shoulders is huge  – his work has impact on people’s lives.

1998 – President Suharto is overthrown.
Much of the action takes place in Jakarta where his hut is and then later in Bali where he goes to meet someone for his work. Jakarta plays the biggest role as he once again returns here when he is ordered to go to the remote hut where the novel first opens.

Streetview Maps

C) Bali - Monkey Pass Road
E ) Jakarta - presidential palace

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Black Water

Author/Guide:Louise Doughty  Destination: Indonesia, Jakarta, Bali  Departure Time: 1965, 1998

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