Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
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  • Location: Siglufjordur, Akureyri, Iceland

Blackout (Dark Iceland 3)

Blackout (Dark Iceland 3)

Why a Booktrail?

2010: The volcanic ash cloud disruption to European air space causes one heck of a Blackout in Siglufjordur.

  • ISBN: 978-1910633465
  • Genre: Cosy crime, Crime

What you need to know before your trail

On a bright summer’s evening, a man in found brutally beaten to death on the banks of a  tranquil fjord.

An ash cloud further darkens the sky and Iceland falls into darkness. Siglufjordur is also under another kind of cloud – the investigation into the dead man is uncovering more secrets than it is revealing.Silent unspoken horrors await for the police and the journalist on the case. The dead man in the fjord is just the beginning of one dark, chilling trail of death and darkness.

Travel Guide

Blackout now has a new meaning in the dictionary of crime fiction: Blackout is a state of complete and utter helplessness, fear, claustrophobia and an utter thrill that you are in the hands of an Icelandic crime writing master.

The real life events – that infamous ash cloud – which caused chaos in European air space back in 2010 adds to the Blackout of the title. This was when the Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupted.

This visit to Siglufjörður and a few visits to other iceland villages such as Dalvik and Skagafjordur not to mention that infamous volcano make this a trip to Iceland you will never forget….

“There was no warning and suddenly the air was filled with ash and the sky went black. That wretched ash  destroyed all the pastures. It’s unnerving when it get dark we suddenly as that when you least expect it”

There are more characters in Blackout, more complex intrigue and more dark dark weather, biting winds and unforgiving landscapes.

“The Shadow of winter and the heavy snow that would engulf the town as the long days turned into long nights was never far away in Siglufjörður”

Trail Gallery

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

This is  a very welcome and much longed for third book in the Dark Iceland series. It’s set between the first two books which makes it a unique thrilling part of the timeline.

This is somewhat darker and more complex but has all the chilling charm of the first two. I always get excited to return to Siglufjörður and see the characters develop and grow but this time,the added claustrophobia and the messy chaos of the very real Volcanic eruption of Eyjafjallajokull just added to the sense of isolation, sheer helplessness, darkness and feeling of remoteness and helplessness in the story and setting.

It still reads like a classic crime story – an Icelandic twist on the very darkest Agatha Christie – and I think the author even takes this a few steps further in this one. With Isrún, for example, there is a new character who adds to the list of people I am going to look forward to meeting again. I just love it when people come to a remote place in Iceland, cut off from the rest of the world by snow, a tunnel, murder, an ash cloud or a hidden past. Why do I love the biting winds and the howling gales and the snow and the ash clogging up my lungs as I read? Because I know that this is a literary journey I am never going to forget and I’ve going to go to a place where no one can hear me scream. I read this in my own kind of blackout  – with just one lamp on and it was stepping inside a cinematic experience. The ghostly outline of Book 4 is on the top of my TBR unless I can learn Icelandic first…

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: Blackout

Author/ Guide: Ragnar Jonasson  Destination: Siglufjordur, Akureyri, Eyjafjallajokull volcano  Departure Time : 2010

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