Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Chippenham, Wiltshire, England

Blood and Destiny

Blood and Destiny

Why a Booktrail?

878:  England cowers as  Alfred, King of Wessex is forced to retreat against the Viking hordes…

  • ISBN: 978-1910453339
  • Genre: Historical, Inspired by true events

What you need to know before your trail

It is 878 and Wessex stands alone against Guthrum’s Viking hordes as all England cowers beneath their raven banner.

With most of his army destroyed following a surprise attack at Chippenham, Alfred, King of Wessex, retreats to the desolate marshes at Athelney. Whilst few believe he can ever restore the kingdom, he remains determined no matter the cost.

Among the small band of weary survivors is Matthew, a novice monk who must learn to fight like a warrior if he, along with his brother and fellow Saxons, are to have any chance of defeating the Vikings.

As the impending battle looms, Matthew is charged with a vital role that means he must face danger and betrayal, and undertake a hazardous journey during which his faith will face the ultimate test.

Travel Guide


878 was a tumultuous year in Britain.  The Vikings were in the middle of their invasion of Britain. Edwin fears for their king, Lord Alfred of Wessex  and heads out to where the king lives in  Chippenham to warn him of the imminent Viking invasion as well as to fight with the men  based there.

The battles there are strong and fierce, the detail raw and bloody:

“Ever so often we stopped to listen and to check for any sign of the Vikings, knowing that the closer we got to Chippenham, the more likely it was we could encounter whatever forces Guthrun had mustered….”

But then…

“Already the Vikings had broken through and with many of the buildings on that side of the river ablaze, their battle there was all but lost. Armed with nothing but their everyday tools – scythes, pitchforks, hammers and axes – the people of Chippenham could not hope to match the full thrust of a Viking  army.

Guthrum, The Viking leader has captured Chippenham and they take King Alfred into hiding. The road to Athelney is a dangerous one and the scene of traitors and bloodshed.

Chippenham, was attacked and many people were killed, except the King Alfred. He and a few men fled and made a fort at Athelney in the marshes of Somerset, and from that fort kept fighting against the foe.

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Blood and Destiny

Destination: England  Author/Guide: Chris Bishop  Departure Time: 878

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