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  • Location: England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales

Brit Noir

Brit Noir

Why a Booktrail?

Travel the length and breadth of the British Isles with Barry Forshaw as your ultimate guide

  • ISBN: 978-1843446408
  • Genre: Non-Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

Barry Forshaw is acknowledged as a leading expert on crime fiction  .He’s written quite a few books now on crime fiction from European countries, but this guide takes him back to his home turf and the British Isles. Writers such as Ian Rankin and Ann Cleeves introduce you to their part of the world and give personal thoughts and insights into their work and the landscape which inspires them. Crime fiction in London has a  different feel that that in the North East for example. You’ll never look at Edinburgh in the same way again once Rebus has shows you his stomping ground.

But what about Wales, Liverpool and the smaller cities and towns up and down the land. Maybe a little boat journey over to Ireland? This nation is awash with brilliant crime fiction so get your coat, pack your novels and start your Brit Noir Booktrail.

Travel Guide

Too many places and regions to mention – but this covers the length and breadth of the British Isles including:

Ian Rankin – Edinburgh

Rebus has more than made his mark on the gothic capital of Edinburgh. Most of the sites and the pubs in the novel are real so there is a lot to see and do with Rebus as your guide

Ann Cleeves – Northumberland and Shetland

Whether you fancy a wander around Northumberland or a trek up to the Shetland islands in the far north, Ann Cleeves is the perfect guide. Vera is the one to show you around both real and fictional Northumberland ( Well you won’t find Partington, Mardle or Gilswick on any real map) but there are more than enough sites to see in order to experience the novel. Even shops which sell hats that Vera might wear.

The Shetland Islands are the place of course where Jimmy Perez likes to roam and solve a crime or two. This part of the world really is stunning and through Jimmy and Ann’s eyes it’s quite the landscape with its stories, folkore and history.

Luca Veste – Liverpool

Now, Luca Veste’s Liverpool is gritty and raw but it does make for one heck of a guide to the city the Beatles called home. This author has both Italian and Scouse heritage which comes across in his novels and this makes for a unique spin on the city. Just when you thought you knew it, there’s another surprise round the corner.


As you might expect, London has it fair share of fictional crime scenes and criminally good guides – Sarah Hilary might make you never want to wander around Battersea again whilst Mark Billingham shows you the gritty side of the capital from angles you hadn’t even thought of before. If Golden Age is more your thing, then Christopher Fowler is a good guide who puts a unique spin on the unexpected.

Happy travelling!

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: Brit Noir

Travel up and down the UK visiting all the literary locations you can shake a stick at.

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