Why a Booktrail?
1954: British Bulldog – Debts and deceit from the streets of Brighton to Paris
1954: British Bulldog – Debts and deceit from the streets of Brighton to Paris
British Bulldog is the story of the search for a missing RAF pilot. A man said to haveescaped from a German POW camp.
Mirabelle is on the trail of an RAF pilot who went missing during the war and mysteriously never came home. From the sunny streets of Brighton, she heads over to Paris where she discovers an espionage operation smuggling secrets out of Russia. Her investigations also uncover some unwelcome truths about her wartime lover Jack and the true nature of his intelligence work in France.
The home town of Bevan and the debt collection agency where she works in her debt capacity but also as a secret agent of sorts. There is an unrelenting dampness to the city and there is a sense of dread especially when Mirabelle thinks she is being followed. Where there is mystery there must be evil, is a chapter heading and a good description for the atmosphere in the town.
Mirabelle is tasked with an important mission – finding a man missing in Europe since 1942 when he escaped from a German POW camp.
The whole of the city was liberated in 1944. This is the place where the Nazi war machine and the investigation into the man’s disappearance is following a rail of darkness in the wet cobbled streets.
The city is new to Mirabelle and where the men are notoriously flirtatious Mirabelle is on a trail across the city from the Pere La chaise cemetery to the streets of the Marais. The streets were spaced randomly it is said from the Opera to the Cafe de Paris. But in order to fit in, Mirabelle now working in Brighton finds that the only thing she can do to look more Parisian is to have a small dog on a lead.
Destination: Brighton, Paris Departure Time: 1954 Hope you enjoy your book trail of British Bulldog
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