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  • Location: London

Bryant & May – London’s Glory: (Short Stories)

Bryant & May – London’s Glory: (Short Stories)

Why a Booktrail?

A selection of short stories showcasing London’s finest crime fighting duo at the Peculiar Crimes Unit

  • ISBN: 978-0857523457
  • Genre: Crime, Short Stories

What you need to know before your trail

There are some cases that as a police officer you never forget. Cases that aren’t even properly explained in the telling of your stories so when there is a chance to revisit these cases and investigate them in detail, the result is a unique caseload entitled ‘London’s glory’

Call them cold cases, old cases, call them what you will, but be sure that as Bryant and May cases there will be careful consideration to get things cleared up.

As the doors of the Peculiar Crimes Unit reopen, the files of investigations with settings as diverse as a circus freak show, on board a London Tour bus and even a yacht off the coast of Turkey come under the spotlight

Travel Guide

Bryant and May – named after a brand of matches but with more spark. The book opens with a history of the duo themselves from their creator Christopher Fowler with his inspiration for creation of their quirks, London banter, inspiration from other London detective such as Sherlock and the creation of the most peculiar crime agency in the capital if not the world.

London as a setting and historical setting in particular offers more than one scenario for a crime story. It’s not just the smog or the streets of the city that set the scene, it’s the history and the  strange facts, strange scenarios and events captured in the pages of history that form the ideal London for Bryant and May.

London in a matchbox:

The Department Store – Secret Santa in Selfridges

Primrose Hill  – and its execution history!

Hampstead Common – a scene of murder

The Barbican – poison on the cards?

And the reasons for the Peculiar Crime Unit’s various locations in Bow Street, Mornington Crescent and Caledonian Road.

To discover London through the eyes of Bryant and May is to discover the lives of these two characters as they have moved around investigating different parts of the city, discovering various characters, various back alleys and many quirks that you may not get to see otherwise.

Bryant and May are a very thrilling duo and you’ll never see London, its history and its essence in any other way.

Streetview Maps

2) London - Caledonian Road
The Peculiar Crime Unit was based here
4) London - Caledonian Road
The Peculiar Crime Unit was based here

Booktrailer Review

Susan @thebooktrailer

If you love Bryant and May you’ll find this very interesting which I did as this was a potted history of their London and the cases you remember reading about and those that you don’t  – each one examined through unique eyes.

The history of london through its detective such as Sherlock and others who have been in the city is an interesting one and I really felt as if I was sat next to Christopher Fowler himself as he told me his deepest secrets and inspiration for his novels. How his love and fascination for the city and its quirks and how he managed to get this into his novels.

It’s a friendly, humourous read and the cases range from the weird to the bizarre. I tried to ration my reading but it was impossible as I wanted to find out a bit more and see where I would go next with Bryant and May.

These two are just the kind of people you’d want to meet for a drink. Oh the stories they would tell  and how they would tell them!- you just know there are gems to come in future books.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Twitter: @Peculiar

Facebook:  /chrisfowlerauthor

Web: christopherfowler.co.uk

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