Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: USA

Catherine House

Catherine House

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: What would you sacrifice to be inside?

  • Genre: Fiction, Gothic

What you need to know before your trail

Catherine House is a university like no other. Into its celebrated world steps Ines, a young woman who welcomes the school’s isolation rather than its illustrious past. As the gates close and Ines finds herself start to be inevitably seduced by its magnetic power, she also begins to realise the question isn’t why she chose to come to Catherine House; but why Catherine House chose her.

Travel Guide

Somewhere in America – at the most gothic of universities

During your three years at Catherine House, you will have no contact with those in the outside world.

You will not leave the grounds during your time at the college.

If we believe you have wandered from the path of learning, you may be sent to the tower.

Each of our students has been selected as someone who belongs here at Catherine. You will give to Catherine, and Catherine will give to you. We will not let each other down.

The destination might not be clear, but the setting is evoked with style. The house is dilapidated and crumbling in every sense of the word. There’s a gothic and sinister vibe to the building and its surroundings. The trees in the forest which surround the school threaten to choke it. There is silence and claustrophobia here. Cut off from the outside world, this place is lonely but soon gets it claws into you.

You must stay here for three years. Cut off from friends and family.

“That was the Catherine experiment: give the house three years – three profound, total years – then become anything or anyone you want to be. Watch all your dreams come true”

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Catherine House

Destination/location:: USA  Author/guide:  Elisabeth Thomas Departure Time: 2000s

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