Why a Booktrail?
1983 – 2011 – The city of Tehran can either make or break you
1983 – 2011 – The city of Tehran can either make or break you
Tehran in 1983 is a city paralysed by fear. Its people are silenced and no one talks freely. The regime of tyranny controls everyone and everything. The cruel heart of the regime is Evin Prison. Everyone fear it,outside and in.
Three women within its walls however, three women dare to dream of a life beyond tyranny.
Azar gives birth to her daughter in captivity. Parisa yearns for her tiny son and Firoozeh, broken by cruelty, has turned her back on everything she was fighting for.
But even in the most desolate places hope can take root .
The years between 1983 and 2011 were memorable for many reasons as since the over throw of the Shah of Iran in the late 1970s , the country had changed immeasurably.
Many people were starting to become very disillusioned with the changes and the leaders of the new regime, but disillusionment in itself was not allowed.
When people dared to protest, they were tortured, beaten and imprisoned. Many were even executed. This new regime was making its mark and ensuring people realised just what they stood for.
This novel looks at the conditions that people in Tehran lived in, what they did day to day and how they coped or tried to cope with the sheer devastation of their country. How do the families of those arrested cope?
Much of the novel is set in the prison itself and shows the brutal conditions both mentally and physically that these poor people were subjected to.
Brutal and sadly very real.
Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:Children of the Jacaranda Tree
Author/ Guide: Sahar Delijani Destination: Tehran Departure Time : 1983 – 2011
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