Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Hull, Skagaströnd, Iceland

Cold Bones

Cold Bones

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: It’s the coldest winter in Hull for years..

  • ISBN: 978-1473643215
  • Genre: Crime, Police Procedural

What you need to know before your trail

When McAvoy is told by a concerned stranger that an elderly woman hasn’t been seen for a few days, he goes to check on her – only to find her in the bath, encased in ice: the heating off; the windows open; the whole house frozen over.

It could be a macabre accident, but McAvoy senses murder. Someone watched her die.

As he starts to uncover the victim’s story and her connections to a lost fishing trawler, his boss Trish is half a world away, investigating a mysterious death in Iceland. Hull and Iceland have traditionally been united by fishing – in this case, they are linked by a secret concealed for half a century, and a series of brutal killings that have never been connected.

Travel Guide

BookTrail the landscapes of Hull and Iceland

This is a novel of cold, chilling settings. There is ice everywhere – but it’s what lies underneath that is the real chiller…


The backdrop of the story is the old fishing community in Hull and that of Iceland. The fishing wars leave a cold dark legacy with secrets on both sides of the oceans. There are some interesting insights into how life in Hull and its fishing community must have been.  The harsh life of the Hull trawlermen and their families comes through loud and clear. The book evokes the nature of the industry when it was at its height and as the decline started to show, taking the town and the people with it.


“This is a monochrome place. Sheer cliffs rise from a Bible-black sea, jagged columns of black holding up a heavy grey sky.”

Aector and Trish fly solo in this novel – one in Hull, and the other in Iceland. Two settings linked by coldness and dark secrets from the past.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Cold Bones

Destination: Hull Author/guide: David Mark Departure Time: 2000s

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