Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Greenland

Cold Earth

Cold Earth

Why a Booktrail?

21C: An archaeological dig in Greenland reveals a lot more than anyone could ever have expected

  • ISBN: 978-1847081384
  • Genre: Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

An archaeological dig in a remote corner of Greenland.

Six young people meet and are working on the remains of a Norse society under attack. At the same time, a plague seems to be sweeping across the planet  and killing everything in its path. The six people may find that this is the last place they see and that they might see no one else apart from each other.

So they decide to write a letter to someone close to them as their hope of getting home dwindles..



Travel Guide

Cold Earth – a good description of the environment as well as the title for the book. An old archaeological dig, six people who don’t know each other but find out that they’re all they have. They find shelter in an old Norse farmhouse which provides additional missing creaks and groans but at first the sense of being in Greenland is a thrilling one, the light is different and the atmosphere unique:

“I couldn’t sleep the first night here. It was partly excitement, the relief of finally being in Greenland, and partly the light.”

A deserted Norse settlement. What is buried beneath them?

And how has a plague started to sweep the US and Europe?

The story is told in letter form – and the words, the direct words and thoughts appear more intense as time goes by….

There’s a ghost story in the sagas William Morris likes about an isolated little bothy at the side of a mountain track, a place for benighted travellers to wait for dawn. Sometimes an angry dead man came out and stabbed everyone while they were asleep…

Communications fail. The sense of isolation increases. And Greenland becomes their prison and their worst nightmare. For who will know where they are and where to find them.

In the corner of remotest Greenland, no one can hear you scream. Or can they? Is someone close by?

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Web: sarahmoss.org/about

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