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1990s: Tensions in Zimbabwean society as seen through the eyes of a young girl
1990s: Tensions in Zimbabwean society as seen through the eyes of a young girl
Elise loves the farm that is her home. There is always tea in the silver teapot, gin and tonics are served on the veranda and her days are spent listening to stories of spirits and charms told by her nanny, Beauty. As a young white girl growing up in Zimbabwe, her life is idyllic.
However, this dream-world of her childhood cannot last. As Elise gets older, her eyes are opened to the complexities of adult life, both through the arrival of her step-father, and through her growing understanding of the tensions in Zimbabwean society. As the privileged existence of the white farmers begins to crumble into anarchy and farm invasions begin, Elise is forced to confront difficult choices and the ancient unforgiving ghosts of the past.
The road on the farm was red dust and tyre tracks. Eventually it led to the houses of the farm managers, and huts gave way to whitewashed white and green lawns. All the other grass, especially in the bush, was gold brown like based bread, but the grass by the houses was broad-leaved and squeaky to walk on .
Our house was at the top of the kopje, just in front of the Bus, a prickly , dry tangle of thorns, branches and grasses full of buzzing things that bit.
Ever since I was little, Beauty had told me that the Bush was also full of spirits,You must not insult the spirits. If you did, they would make you get lost for ever.
There were different kinds of whites: the Afrikaans, the British whites, and the Rhodies.
In Zimbabwe , Mugabe was to blame for everything.
Living in Zimbabwe was like having a demanding younger brother or sister. It was loud, disruptive and badly behaved.
Destination: Zimbabwe Author/Guide: Andrea Eames
Back to Results1891: Sister. Rival. Protector. The spellbinding story of a forgotten daughter and a forgotten goddess.
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