Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Guernsey

Dangerous Waters

Dangerous Waters

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Dangerous Waters is the first of The Guernsey Novels

  • ISBN: 978-0992711221
  • Genre: Fiction, Romance

What you need to know before your trail

Jeanne Le Page is lucky to be alive … at sixteen she was almost killed in a boating accident which brought heart-breaking family tragedy. Now, fifteen years later, Jeanne returns reluctantly to the island of Guernsey following the death of her beloved grandmother. Struggling for breath as the ferry nears the island; she is overwhelmed by a dark foreboding as hazy memories of that terrible day resurface…

Jeanne has no intention of picking up her old life. She’s only there to sell her grandmother’s cottage. But the cottage holds a secret, dating back to World War II and the German Occupation, and she soon becomes drawn into discovering more.

Jeanne  is is forced to face her demons, reliving the tragedy as her lost memory returns. When the truth is finally revealed, her life is endangered for the second time…

Travel Guide


Jeanne returns to Guernsey, the land of her birth:

The salt-laden air enveloped her like an old and trusty coat. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and was a child again, playing on the beach with her parents

The place has changed:

“She shuddered as she leant against the railings and Guernsey came into full view. While the ferry headed towards St Peter Port harbour, she felt as if she were apporaching a strange, unknown country rather the land of her birth. The whole of the northern sea front from Les Banque into St Peter Port, had been transformed. Towering edifices of granite and glass had replaced the old, tired, mish-mash of warehouses, scruffy hotels and shops. With a gasp, she realised that even the elegant landmark of the Royal Hotel had been supplanted.”

“It was as if a natural disaster had occurred, flattening the old front and replacing it with buildings more reminiscent of London that of the parochial island she remembered. She’d never have though that Guernsey would move into the twenty first century with such a bang.”

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Dangerous Waters (The Guernsey Novels 1)

Destination : Guernsey  Author/Guide: Anne Allen  Departure Time: 2000s

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