Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Iceland, Reykjavík

Dark as Night

Dark as Night

Why a Booktrail?

2000s:  A lodger goes missing

  • ISBN: 978-1916788367
  • Translator: Lorenza Garcia
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

When Áróra receives a call telling her that a child she’s never met is claiming to be her missing sister reincarnated, she is devastated … as ridiculous as the allegations might seem. For three years she has been searching for her sister without finding a single clue, and now this strange child seems to have new information.

On the same day, Icelandic detective Daníel returns home to find a note from his tenant, drag queen Lady Gúgúlú, giving notice on her flat and explaining that she has to leave the country. Daníel is immediately suspicious, and when three threatening men appear, looking for Lady, it’s clear to him that something is very wrong…

Travel Guide


A criminal birds eye view of the capital of Iceland. There’s plenty of dark streets and some wider views too such as famous glaciers and an iconic prison.

There’s lot of gritty grimness to Iceland when you read Lilja’s novels.  Icelandic detective Daniel and drag queen Lady Gúgúlú are some of the most unusual yet fascinating characters you could ever hope to meet.


BookTrail Boarding Pass:  Dark as Night

Destination/Location: Iceland, Reykjavík  Author: Lilja Sigurdardottir    Departure: 2000s

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