Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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  • Location: Sweden ,Varmland county, "Gavrik"

Dark Pines

Dark Pines

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Small town Gavrik has big time secrets

  • ISBN: 978-1786072535
  • Genre: Fiction, Mystery

What you need to know before your trail


Eyes missing, two bodies lie deep in the forest near a small Swedish town.


Tuva Moodyson, a deaf reporter on a small-time local paper, is looking for the story that could make her career.


A web of secrets. And an unsolved murder from twenty years ago.

Can Tuva outwit the killer before she becomes the final victim? She’d like to think so. But first she must face her demons and venture far into the deep, dark woods if she wants to stand any chance of getting the hell out of small-time Gavrik.

Travel Guide

Sweden – “Gavrik”

Gavrik – Meet the Author on location

This is a small town with a small town mentality and way of life it would seem. Fictional but even so, too small for Tuva who wants to write articles like she was in London before she had to leave it all behind

The woods are dark and menacing here – add to that three mutilated bodies back in the 1990s.

The atmosphere throughout is foreboding and claustrophobic, Tula’s deafness adds to the sense of isolation. The woods are dark and brooding. Vulnerability darkens the atmosphere even further. Tula carries batteries for her hearing aids and they could run out at any moment. The beeps telling her when that is about to happen

Gavrik is a small, tight knit community but there’s something else very different about it. They look after their own, but they have eyes everywhere. Gavrik has secrets and oh yes,  trolls…
Dark Pines surround Gavrik  and pierce its heart

Author’s tour of Gavrik:

“The setting is fictional but I borrow heavily from my own surroundings. I live at the very centre of an enormous forest north of Gothenburg. I’m surrounded by moose and deer and badgers and eagles and wild boar. I chose to set Dark Pines a few hours further north because the change in latitude offers an incremental increase in danger. There are brown bears up there. There are wolves and lynx cats. The forests are wilder and the winters are colder and darker and the towns are spread further apart.”

Streetview Maps

D) Sweden - Entering Munkfors
E) Sweden - Munkfors or "Utgard" forest

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

I am a HUGE fan of Dark Pines. This book is everthing I hoped it would be and more. It’s a very unique read with a setting and lead character which are just so different to what I’ve read before. First of all, we’re thrust deep into the dark forests of sweden in the middle of elk season.Now I was lucky enough to attend a gathering where people were out shooting in the woods and the noises, the feeling, the excitement and fear are brilliantly evoked here. The sense of darkness and claustrophobia tingles your senses and the book just gets better from here.

A great newness to this novel is the man character who is deaf and uses hearing aids. Again, more claustrophobia but this was more than that – I really got to feel part of her world and experience her world of silence and sounds – so through the ears of a character this time as well as her eyes. She is very much her own person – her disability is not her weakness. You don’t mess with this lady.

The mystery which takes place initially off the page with that gunshot in the woods ramps up big style and the ending is just perfect for the story.But oh my,what a journey it takes you on first. Through those dark unforgiving woods, the eerie shades of the dark pines cast shadows on the actions being played out below. It’s a backdrop to a theatre show where the actors are mere silhouettes – the forest rules here.

Brilliant in every way. I loved the little touches of Swedish humour and history – the ICA supermarket, the Prins Polo sweets…I hugged the book when I’d finished it.

Highly recommended. Will Dean I need book two NOW!

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Dark Pines

Destination: “Gavrik”  Author/Guide: Will Dean Departure Time: 2000s

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