Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
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  • Location: County Cork, New York, London, England

Daughters of Castle Deverill

Daughters of Castle Deverill

Why a Booktrail?

1925 – 1938: Deverill Castle in Ireland still haunts those who have lived there, despite them being spread all over the world.

  • ISBN: 978-1471135880
  • Genre: Fiction, Historical

What you need to know before your trail

Castle Deverill, cherished home to the Deverill family in the west of Ireland for hundreds of years, has burned to the ground. Celia Deverill  has returned to restore it to its former glory. Now that she’s married well, she wants the money to restore the past.

The war may be over but another dark cloud is on the horizon. The financial markets are on dangerous ground and the tremors are being felt all over the world. With the Deverill’s now scattered as far as New York, England and Ireland, this is going to be a difficult time indeed.

Travel Guide

Castle Deverill and the Deverill famlily have been through some difficult times. We met them in book one Songs of Love and War which chronicled the fate of them, their home and of Ireland itself from 1900 until the war. Through the war and the war of Irish Independence.

Now, from 1925, the world is changing, debts and investments from the past come back to haunt in the great crash of 1929. Family members,no longer living at Castle Deverill are now living in York and Connecticut. The pull of the castle and Ireland however continues to enchant.

Celia,Kitty and Bridie have had varying degrees of luck during their lives but the threads of the castle still pull back to Ireland and the legend of Barton Deverill all those years ago

Booktrailer Review

Susan @thebooktrailer

This book for me was like sitting down in a really plump cushion with a box of shortbread and a mug of hot chocolate.Nothing could have been more relaxing and satisfying. I should have really read this in a castle, since it’s set in a large gothic building and soaked up each and every word. Santa’s books always transport me places and this was no different. You do have to have read the first mind – given that it’s number 2 in a trilogy as it follows on closely from part 2.

It’s a slow read perfect for a Sunday as the detail and the atmosphere just captivate as much as the goings on and the tragedies as well as the ups and downs of that family!  I thought I knew what was going to happen on more than one point and then no! The finely woven rug lying on that castle floor was tugged from under me. Kitty, Bridie and Celia, are great characters as they are so different and it’s impossible to tell what they’ll do next. This really was like going on a journey with all three of them. I can’t wait for book three. Will have to actually buy some shortbread this time and tuck right in!

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: Daughters of Castle Deverill

Author/Guide: Santa Montefiore   Destination: County Cork, London, New York   Departure Time: 1925 – 1938

Twitter: @SantaMontefiore  Facebook: /SantaMontefiorebooks  Web: santamontefiore.co.uk

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