Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Cork

Dead Girls Dancing

Dead Girls Dancing

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: A fire rages through a dance studio in Cork…

  • ISBN: 978-1784976415
  • Genre: Hitman/Gangster, Police Procedural, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

In the middle of winter, a fire blazes through a dance studio.

Seventeen young dancers die. Their promising careers cut short by a tragic accident. But where others see tragedy, DCI Katie Maguire sees murder.

This is not the first fire to sweep through Cork. And in one recent case, the victims were dead before the fire was lit. Katie Maguire is determined to see justice done, unaware she’s about to face her most chilling killer yet…

Travel Guide

Cork, Ireland

A fine police procedural with some very violent and unsettling scenes so readers should be aware.

Firmly set in Cork with the setting strongly evoked and the language and politics of the time very firmly entrenched in each and every page.

Irish Dancing

There’s a lot of Irish culture involved as well -a dance troupe called the Toirneach Damhsa dance troupe are practicing their rehearsal paces. The Regional Dance championship is soon to take place at the Opera House and there’s strong rivalry between them and another group. There’s a nice intro to the culture and social habits in and around these festivals but there’s not much merry unfortunately.

The bridges of Cork

Two bridges take a starring role in the novel – namely Patrick’s Bridge where the squad cars are often seen travelling across and Griffith Street is where there’s a lot of sightseers.

Gurranebraher Rd- Templegate Tavern

The gangs in the novel hang out here and this pub, street and area are very strongly evoked and feature heavily in the novel. There’s a lot of gang violence written in and around this area so it’s not portrayed in the best light. It’s also where a gang stand to watch the fire.


Streetview Maps

A) Cork - Shandon Street
B) Cork - Anglesea Police station

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Dead Girls Dancing (Katie Maguire 8)

Destination : Cork  Author/Guide: Graham Masterton  Departure Time: 2000s

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