Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Venice, Poveglia

Dead in Venice

Dead in Venice

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: A writer visits the sight of an asylum in Venice and gets more than she bargained for

  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

Bella Tyson is a famous 40-something crime writer suffering from writer’s block ever since a bitter divorce two years before. When a fan offers her the use of an apartment in Venice, Bella jumps at it, hoping a change of scene will have her writing again. Once there, she soon meets Will, a charming Englishman, who shows her around the city.

Enchanted by both Will and her new surroundings, Bella decides to write a supernatural murder mystery and begins researching local legends and the city’s more sinister side, including an illicit visit to the island of Poveglia, spooky former home of Venice’s asylum. Soon Bella uncovers more than she has bargained for and finds herself enmeshed in a series of gruesome real-life murders that uncannily mirror the legends she is researching.

As she and Will join forces to investigate, real life and local lore merge disconcertingly – for nothing in Venice turns out to be what seems, including Will….

Travel Guide

Travel with The BookTrail to Venice!

The author says:

“Venice itself is special! I love the city because it is very ‘people friendly’ – no cars (apart from on the Lido island) mean that everything is smaller and within reach by walking. It’s quiet too, even in the height of summer (once you get away from the tourist spots like Piazza San Marco). And instead of exhaust fumes it smells of the sea and food – lots of food!”

Some places on her recommended trail:

Rio de l’Barcaroli – The canal area where Bella stays in Francesca’s apartment.

2864 Calle Lunga San Barnaba –   The garden of this building (next door to the Osteria San Barnaba) was the inspiration for Will’s apartment, with his reading spot under a tree – although geographically I’ve set it in another part of the city, Arsenele.

Campo Santa Stefano, Le Café – The café where Bella has breakfast and first meets Will. Great coffee!

Poveglia Island – An abandoned island with the remains of an old hospital and asylum, where Bella goes to explore, despite being warned off by Will.

Fondamente San Lorenzo, Trattorio Da Giorgio – Castello, Venice – Will takes Bella for a meal after the first murder. Overlooks a canal and perfect for a romantic meal.

Campiello dei Meloni, Acqua e Mais restaurant and street food –  Bella and Will buy lunch from here just before the last murder. The best street food I have ever eaten!

Lungomare Guglielmo Marconi, Excelsior Hotel –  Bella and Will spend their first night together at this (very posh) hotel after Will saves a man from drowning in the pool.

Streetview Maps

B) Venice - San Marco- The Cafe
E) Venice - Poveglia Island

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Dead in Venice

Destination: Venice, Poveglia  Author/guide: Fiona Leitch Departure Time: 2000s

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