Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Cornwall, St Ives

Dead Man’s Cove (Laura Marlin 1)

Dead Man’s Cove (Laura Marlin 1)

Why a Booktrail?

Timeless: Cornwall, full of caves and secret nooks is the ideal place for an adventure with a difference

  • ISBN: 978-1444001488
  • Genre: Childrens

What you need to know before your trail

Laura Marlin is not your average eleven year old. She’s an ace detective for a start. She’s lived in a children’s home all her life after being orphaned and goes to live with her uncle in Cornwall.  A nice seaside town she thinks but when she gets there she realises that Cornwall is awash with intrigue, small caves and secret hideaways. Just like in her favourite detective novels! She is soon to find out that what she’s read about all this time is actually not as thrilling as her very own real life adventure!

Travel Guide

Dead Man’s Cove

Sadly fictional but there are many real coves which it could be!  For Laura the best possible place she could have come to stay. It is quite literarily a treasure trove of adventure possibilities and all sorts of nooks and crannies for her to explore. Never mind that her uncle tells her she’s not allowed to go exploring in  the brilliantly name Dead Man’s Cove! Now with a name like that, it’s just crying out to be explored. There must be a mystery behind its name!


Cornwall is awash with mysteries it would seem. Even her uncle himself is surrounded in them – he is described as a

“disheveled one-eyed tyrant who arrived into town in the dead of night”,

Then there is the silent and mysterious boy she meets called Tariq who doesn’t seem to say much. And what about the message in a bottle? Laura’s new life has more mysteries to it than she knows what to do with. Who are the “ink -black figures” who loiter in the shadows and the cobbled streets of the area? The sandy beaches stretch out as far as the eye can see and the mysteries reach out as far as the eye can see.

Dead Man’s Cove

“Anyone unlucky enough to fall in would be swept out to sea before they had time to draw breath. Dead Man’s Cove had been deadlier still”

The ragged coastline and the secret hidden hiding places of all the caves and coves are like a maze. A secret underground maze of hidden treasure or mysteries. To ace detective Laura, this is her playground, the place she has to get to know to discover the real mysteries that St Ives seems to be full of.

Booktrailer Review


I love this book. this has to be one of, if not THE best adventure books for children and adults young at heart I’ve ever read. I still have a copy I bought for myself despite being nowhere near the ideal age range this book is targeted at. If you remember Enid Blyton mysteries, this will take you back and if you don’t, you’re in for a treat as this is only the first in a fantastic series.

Cornwall   famous for fishing, pirates, secret hidden coves with names straight out of legends? Welcome to Dead Man’s Cove as this is  part of that mythical part of the world as you have never seen it before. I mean I felt I had quite literally been transported there along with Laura and was as keen as her to solve the mystery. I felt her tugging at my sleeve I got that involved. You can smell the salt air and the sandy wind on your face on every page. This is one magical book to really transport you to the time and place and sense of adventure.

Booktrail recommended!

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Twitter: @laurenstjohn

Web: laurenstjohn.com

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