Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Shanghai

Death In Shanghai

Death In Shanghai

Why a Booktrail?

1928  – On the “beach of Dead Babies” a horror unfolds.

  • ISBN: B00WKMG54G
  • Genre: Crime, Mystery

What you need to know before your trail

The body of a blonde is washed up on the gory named Beach of Dead Babies. It appears to be a suicide, but on closer inspection, there seems to be a darker motive: the corpse has been weighed down, it’s lower half mutilated…and the Chinese character for ‘justice’ carved into the chest.

Inspector Danilov takes one look at the dismembered body and realises that he has an exceptional case on his hands. The first body is followed by another, and another….each one displaying a new, bloody message.

Someone who must be caught….whatever the cost.

Travel Guide

Shanghai in the 1920’s

The murders take place in the Shanghai International Settlement. The Shanghai police is largely made up of British policeman who look after the British and American concessions.

The city at the time was open to foreign trade and there were many British in Shanghai at the time. Settlements of different nationalities grew around the city and so by 1928 when the book is set, there was  a great deal of ethnic friction, the police force had severe limitations and the city as a whole was on the brink of chaos..

The other interesting fact is that Danilov is a Russian officer and Strachan his side kick is half Chinese and half Scottish. But the third real character is Shanghai itself

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Death In Shanghai

Author/Guide: M J Lee  Destination: Shanghai Departure Time: 1920s

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