Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Leeds

Death of an Avid Reader (Kate Shakleton 6)

Death of an Avid Reader (Kate Shakleton 6)

Why a Booktrail?

1920s: Can libraries really be dangerous places?

  • ISBN: 978-0349400570
  • Genre: Cosy crime

What you need to know before your trail

Kate Shackleton’s ability to find a needle in a haystack is exactly what has brought her to the attentions of Lady Coulton. She is looking for her daughter who she had to give up as she was born out of wedlock . Whilst investigating this however, Kate comes onto another case of a man found dead in the basement of Leeds library. With two mysteries to solve, Kate has her work cut out, but then they seem to be clues leading to the stories emerging and the library could be at the heart of it all. Well they do say truth is stranger than fiction.

Travel Guide

A story set in a library! And it’s the death of a scholar which gets the literary community all of a buzz.  Dr Potter is a  well known writer and when he is found underneath a fallen bookcase – that scene on the cover puts the setting firmly in your mind’s eye – the plot thickens. Libraries seem to be the link between all the funny goings on and there’ even a library book thief to contend with.

Frances Brody writes in a way that you can  trace your finger along the bookshelves, smell the books and don’t be surprised if say SSsh out loud if any one disturbs your reading. Now these are the days before mobile phones an such like so there wont be any of that in this library thank you very much. Makes for a crime in a library that bit more old school
If you venture into Leeds library at any point, you’d be wise to look around and see if there is a parrot or a monkey flying around anywhere…

Trail Gallery

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Death of an Avid Reader (Kate Shakleton 6)

Author/guide: Frances Brody  Destination: Leeds  Departure Time: 1920s

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