Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Florida, San Diego

Deep Blue Trouble

Deep Blue Trouble

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: The second in the Lori Anderson series

  • ISBN: 978-1910633939
  • Genre: Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Lori’s daughter Dakota is safe, but sadly her cancer could be back and so Lori needs to contact Dakota’s daddy quickly. JT is the man who not only gave Lori her precious daughter but is also the man who taught Lori everything. Problem is, he’s behind bars, and heading for death row.

Lori is prepared to do almost everything to save him,  no infact anything to save him. This leads her to doing a deal, taking an off-the-books job from shady FBI agent Alex Monroe. His condition is clear – he wil help Lori and JT but only if she brings back Gibson ‘The Fish’ Fletcher, a back on-the-run felon,  in one piece. Teaming up with local bounty hunter Dez McGregor threatens to put the whole job in danger. But she can’t afford to get anything wrong – Save JT or die trying…

Travel Guide

From Florida to California

Starting  in Tampa, this is trail and chase across the USA to San Diego and back again on the hunt for someone with a bounty hunter to show you the way….

The title of the book comes from Deep Blue Marina said to be in Tampa:

Up ahead I saw the sign for the Deep Blue Marina – orange script across bright-blue, the smiling fish pointing towards the words”

“I looked out past the lines of boats bobbing in their moorings towards the ocean. the place looked just as I remember it. It was neat and clean, but wasn’t as fancy as some  – more for houseboat dwellers and Florida residents with smaller yachts than for the big vacation boats and millionaire cruisers you saw further into holiday maker central.”

Three Lakes

Lori heads to a prison here to meet with someone and well, the description is very Lori:

It wasn’t the most romantic of settings but then I’ve never ben a candles and roses kind of a girl. Armed guards, metal doors and security cameras do create a certain kind of ambience…”


Whilst over in California, , there’s a search for someone vital to the job in progress. Carlsbad and San Diego are where Lori searches and stays in a hotel there close to the airport. It’s the heat, the humidity and the desert landscape that shines in the hot clear day. The chase is as hot as the temperature. Her Florida tans fits in well here, but she is still impressed with her surroundings:

High-value detached properties with plenty of space around them. Perfect lawns and manicured flowerbeds. Long yards  leading back to the ocean, space for yachts or jet skis. Like a picture postcard of the Californian dream – in this place extravagant facades and big money were king.”

Trail Gallery

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

This is one of the freshest series around. Lori is one amazing character and has a real heart of gold despite some flaws obviously and difficult decisions she had to make. This second outing was just as exhilarating as the first but thankfully the little girl is safer in this one – as for Lori and JT…no spoilers but Steph ramps up the tension and then some.

I want to be Lori’s friend but I think I’d only be able to wear the hat and not do half of what she does. I’d have to be the one looking after her daughter and waiting in some saloon waiting for her to come back. Oh and have a phone to hand as she needs to contact people quickly in this book and they don’t always answer!

This is the second in the series but there’s just enough info and backstory so that you can read this without having read the first. Lori is worth getting to know – she’s gutsy but has a heart, kicks ass but is careful not to lose her sense of right and wrong. She’s asked to do the impossible in this novel – is thrown a curveball or two and ….well you’ll have to read it to find out.

Deep Blue Trouble is a dip in the Florida sun, being chased by a shark and feeling the heat on your back, the cold water on your face and the shock and exhilaration of what’s to come…Phew! Lasso a copy of this right now!

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Deep Blue Trouble

Destination: Florida, San Diego  Author/Guide: Steph Broadribb  Departure Time: 2000s

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