Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: 'Amarante', Indian Ocean

Deep Water

Deep Water

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Amarante is paradise… but paradise comes at a price

  • ISBN: 978-1398504592
  • Genre: Crime, Suspense

What you need to know before your trail

Lies can be buried… Secrets always come to the surface

Amarante is paradise…
An uninhabited, unspoilt island somewhere in the Indian Ocean.
Only those who know it exists can find it.

But paradise comes with a price…
Virginie and Jake sail to Amarante for their honeymoon, but they are not alone.
They have to adjust to life on the island with five strangers.

And not everyone will live to tell the tale…
Dark secrets surface and their dream abruptly turns into a nightmare.
Removed from society, they find out what they’re truly capable of.

Travel Guide

Sail to the Indian Ocean

The island of Amarante in the novel is fictional and with good reason – you would not want to stay here for real. Well, at least not with these people!

It has vibes similar to Alex Garland’s The Beach but replace backpackers with another weird set of travellers and holiday makers and you have another island set and idyllic set read.

The set up is intriguing – Danial Tengku, the captain of a Royal Malaysian Navy patrol vessel, comes across a luxury yacht in distress in the Indian Ocean. On board are married couple, Jake and Virginie. It’s not their boat and when they are asked whose boat it is they say “It’s all my fault. I killed them.”

This might be paradise at the start but imagine being stuck in this version for real!

Trail Gallery

Booktrailer Review

Deep Water- the premise reminded me of the film Dead Calm. Virginie and Jake are the couple who are rescued by a boat and then recount a story of horror….but what is the truth?

I enjoyed this atmospheric story about a couple who set out for paradise on their boat but end up getting more than they bargained for…

Danial Tengku is the man who comes cross Virginie and an unconscious Jake, so you know things have gone very wrong indeed and it is quite the journey to get to the truth. This is a slow burn of a novel despite the premise but it’s fun and compelling to see what on earth is going on with this couple. I was very aware that I was in the middle of the ocean on a very small and remote island ( the novel’s setting not me in real life sadly) but that just makes it all the more ‘ moreish’.

This is a slow but tense read and there is a definate sense of foreboding throughout. It’s that rather than a packed plot that makes this book. It’s not that it’s a very gripping read but more ‘ ooh what on earth is going on here’ kind of read.

This might well make me not want to go on a real boat for some time however.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Deep Water

Destination/Location: Indian Ocean  Author: Emma Bamford Departure: 2000s

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