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2000s: Are you ready to venture onto the Endlands?
2000s: Are you ready to venture onto the Endlands?
Every autumn, John Pentecost returns to the farm where he grew up to help gather the sheep down from the moors for the winter. Very little changes in the Endlands, but this year, his grandfather – the Gaffer – has died and John’s new wife, Katherine, is accompanying him for the first time.
Each year, the Gaffer would redraw the boundary lines of the village, with pen and paper, but also through the remembrance of tales and timeless communal rituals, which keep the sheep safe from the Devil. But as the farmers of the Endlands bury the Gaffer, and prepare to gather the sheep, they begin to wonder whether they’ve let the Devil in after all . . .
The village of Underclough is fictional but somewhere in Lancashire – just as well really. The places on the map are gleamed from descriptions in the book and the similarity of some of the names.
“One late Octorber day, just over a century ago, the farmer of the Englands went to gather sheep from the wmoors as they did every auturmn. Only this year, while the shepherd swere pulling a pair of wayward lamgs froma peat bog, the Devil killed one of the ewes and tore off her fleece to hide himself amongs the flock
This is a landscape where the animals are decaying, the landscape is remote and chilling, the Devil has brought the blizzard of all blizzards.
Places have fitting names for the events which take place in the novel – Briardale Moss
Sullom Wood, Fiendsdale Clough – anywhere where there is gloom, and where the river cuts the landscape in two.
Destination: Lancashire Author/Guide: Andrew Michael Hurley Departure Time: 2000s
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