Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Los Angeles, Milwaukee



Why a Booktrail?

2000s: A road trip with a difference!

  • ISBN: 978-1843448563
  • Genre: Crime, Hitman/Gangster, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

East is a low-level lookout for a Los Angeles drug organisation is given a new and unexpected job – get himself on a road trip and head straight into the middle of white, rural America – to assassinate a judge in Wisconsin.

East and a crew of untested boys set off, along with his trigger happy brother Ty, in a nondescript blue van, with a roll of cash, a map and a gun they shouldn’t have.

Along the way, the country surprises him.  And he reaches places where only he can decide which way to go – or which person to become.

Travel Guide

Los Angeles

The Boxes were all the boys knew; it was the only place.

Streets in The Boxes were a maze: one piece didn’t match up straight with the next. …The streets sign were twisted every way or were gone.

A bad street. Dogs bashed themselves against the knees. Televisions muttered house to house through caged doors and windows.

The road trip itself

It’s quite the journey! Raw, brutal, hard and a living it rough. Living on the edge and travelling for miles on one very deadly and dangerous mission.
“All East’s life, the mountains had been a jagged based for the northern sky. It was the first time he’s been this far toward them, in them.”

“The purple and brown details opened , resolved themselves, then whipped away as they were passed. Shattered pieces of things. At length the van passed through a canyon where an entire hillside was on fire, white smoke fanning low in the wind. The boys made no comment on this apparently normal disaster. East studied it, not breathing. then it too, was past.”

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Dodgers

Author/Guide: Bill Beverly Destination: Los Angeles, Milwaukee  Departure Time: 2000s

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