Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Latvia, Jelgava

Jelgava 94

Jelgava 94

Why a Booktrail?

1990s: A generation looking towards their future..whatever that might hold..

  • ISBN: 978-9984872858
  • Translator: Kaija Straummis
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

Doom 94 is a portrait of a generation in the 1990s who are searching for their own identity and are fans of alternative culture. This is a touching story about us as youngsters, when everybody is against the whole world and tries not to become ‘one of them’. But is it for real? Can one keep the promise?

Travel Guide


A very small town in Latvia and not a common place to set a novel so this novel puts it on the map! A music about teeangers and music..plus a few books

The setting sun was blotting out this movies about Jelgalva; it descended from the sky and drowned the apartment buildings, the abandoned mansion, the massive tower of the Anna Church. It slowly dawned on me that I didn’t have to go anywhere, that this moment was never going to end”

The music

“Jelvaga echoed more and more resolutely with grunge, alt-rick and an indescribable genre of music that was lively the truest form of underground.”

“Tonight , almost all of Jelgava’s underground scene poured into the Jelgava Art school.”

“Jelgava grunge.”

Jelgava library

Always good when a novel includes plenty mention of authors and books and has more than one scene set near a library. There is talk of a Gypsy house near here…

Alunans OPark

The park loomed a long ways off, along with a colourful cluster of trees locally referred to as The Shittery

Ādolfs Alunāns (1848-1912 in Jelgava) was a Latvian playwright, director and actor. He is considered to be the “father of Latvian theatre”


Streetview Maps

B) Jelgava - library
D) Jelgava - Alunāna parks

Trail Gallery

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Jelgava 94

Destination : Jelgava Author/Guide: Jānis Joņevs Departure Time: 1990s

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