Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: The New Forest, Southampton

Down to the Woods

Down to the Woods

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Thinking of camping in the New Forest anytime soon?

  • ISBN: 978-0718183875
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

The last thing Tom Campbell remembers is camping in the New Forest with his girlfriend, Melissa. Now he is helpless, alone and consumed by fear, hunted through the woods by a sinister, masked figure…

When Tom’s body is found, displayed with grisly relish, Helen Grace takes the case. But before she can catch her breath, a second victim is taken – a serial killer is on the loose.

You better not go alone…

Something dark and deadly stalks the forest. Helen and her team must race against time to catch the perpetrator, before more blood is shed.

But the hunt will take Helen back into the eerie twilit woods – and this time she might not make it out alive.



Travel Guide

The New Forest

“There is a sickness in the forest. First, it was the wild horses. Now it’s innocent men and women, hunted down and murdered by a faceless figure. Lost in the darkness, they try to flee, they try to hide. In desperation, they call out for help. But there is no-one to hear their cries here…”

Oh dear Lord….

You won’t want to go to the New Forest anytime soon, or any where trees or campsites could be found.Someone is killing people with arrows and stringing them up, people are disappearing from tents, leaving their partners asleep and unharmed….

The investigation takes place in Southampton and the city does appear in the story with various locations such as the police station and the good places to go on your motorbike. But the forest is the real setting…

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

This is macabre even by MJ Arlidge standards. He really is one of the top authors for taking an innocent place, The New Forest for goodness sake, with its trees and areas of recreation  – and then turning it into something really dark and creepy. The book continues the saga of DI Helen and her Southampton team but this can be read as a standalone. Having said that, as with most books in series, you do get more out of if, if you read the whole series.

As with all his books, this is dark and then dark some more.Helen seems to be having a nicer time on the personal front thank goodness – this was the only ray of sunshine in that dark dark forest. Other new characters really gave it that edge and moved things along nicely.

More please MJ Arlidge and I will continue to read your books in daylight hours.

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Down to the Woods

Destination : Southampton, New Forest  Author/Guide: M. J. Arlidge  Departure Time: 2000s

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