Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Texas, Pecos, Echo, Lubbock

Echo Burning: (Jack Reacher 5)

Echo Burning: (Jack Reacher 5)

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Jack Reacher never could resist a lady in distress.

  • ISBN: 978-0857500083
  • Genre: Adventure, Crime, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Jack Reacher, adrift in the hellish heat of a Texas summer.

Looking for a lift through the vast empty landscape. A woman stops, and offers a ride. She is young, rich and beautiful.

But her husband’s in jail. When he comes out, he’s going to kill her.

Her family’s hostile, she can’t trust the cops, and the lawyers won’t help. She is entangled in a web of lies and prejudice, hatred and murder.

Travel Guide


The heat of Texas is something that Jack takes a while to get used to:

Seven o’clock in the morning, it was already hot. By eight, it would be burning. By nine it would be fearsome

Jack has to open his window in the motel for fear of being bake in his sleep.  As he does so, the police car with Lubbock on the side comes to his attention in the street outside.

Driving across the land

Thinking about the visit interior of Texas was oppressing them. The woman had read a guide book in preparation for the mission which pointed out that the state makes up fully 7 percent of America’s land mass and is bigger than most European countries.

But the guide book also pointed out that side to side Texas is wider than the distance tween New York and Chicago


Pecos grows the sweetest cantaloupe in the whole of Texas,” apparently

And just north of Pecos is Loving Country – the least populated county in the whole of the USA but apparently the richest per capital. Reacher learns that this was the real Wild West, as the Texas and Pacific Railway put a stop there so the bawdy saloons and undesirable people lived around these parts. To pecos meant to shot someone ….he’s told


The town of the title. It’s a lonely place and that’s why they name it Echo. Apparently it’s named after Greek Mythology as there was a a girl named Echo  who was in love with Narcissus but he love himself not here, so she pined away until just her voice was left…an echo.”

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Echo Burning: (Jack Reacher 5)

Destination: Texas, Pecos, Echo  Author/Guide: Lee Child   Departure Time: 2000s

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