Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Paris, France



Why a Booktrail?

2000s: This is a fab way of seeing the city – from a child’s eyes too for Eloise sees and experiences much of the city in her own unique way.

  • ISBN: 978-0743489768
  • Genre: Childrens

What you need to know before your trail

Eloise is a child with the biggest sense of adventure and an even bigger imagination you will ever see. Living at the Plaza hotel in New York, she and her Nanny and Weenie set off on a trip to Paris which Eloise soon turns into her biggest adventure yet.

Paris fascinates Eloise in a way nothing else has. She is fascinated by the sights and sounds of the city, the shops, the fact that you can’t get a decent cup of tea…

And there are many discoveries along the way such as the fact that French bread makes very good skis…

Travel Guide

Reading this through a child’s eyes as an adult gave us the same thrills as it did when we read it at a young age. Funny, fresh and didn’t we just want to be Eloise!?

This is a often wickedly funny book as we see the open eyed joy of a 6 year old child who has the run of a hotel as her playground. Whether you think of her as precocious or simply utterly mischievous little girl, forget issues of parenting which on a more serious note should probably be addressed, and relive the childhood of someone who dares to do everything you did or didn’t dream of yourself – pouring water down the postal chute? A bit naughty admittedly but making a hat out of a kleenex box? Totally recommended.

The author Kay Thompson was godmother to Liza Minelli and wrote the Eloise series inspired by both the antics of Liza, and the experiences that Thompson herself had living at the Plaza hotel in New York. Is Eloise cute or spoilt? It’s very funny whatever you think. On her trip to Paris, she takes mayhem and madness with her.

Eloise’s wisdom? “Think pink. A better way of life.” hehe.

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