Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: New York City, Franklin

Ever Vow you Break

Ever Vow you Break

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Wayward by name and wayward by nature?

  • ISBN: 978-0755378029
  • Genre: Crime, Psychological, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

The Wayland family – Lara and Marcus and their three children – leave England to spend a long, hot summer in Trout Island, Upstate New York. Lara and Marcus are not in a happy marriage – Marcus insisted that she have an abortion and she’s never forgotten that. She hopes that this holiday, far away from home, will allow them both to reconnect with each other and for her to learn to love her husband again.

However plans go awry when a chance meeting at a party sees her meeting Stephen, an old flame. He’s Marcus’s old actor friend and a friend of the family but Lara still feels herself drawn towards him. They pick up their secret relationship where they left off but all the while, Lara knows she’s playing a dangerous game; what she doesn’t know is that it’s also a deadly one.

Travel Guide

Trout Island, Upstate New York – aka Franklin

Early landscape doesn’t bode well:

From Newark airport they drive through remote NY where the roads are long and empty and stretch for miles up ahead. Hardly any other cars on the road. Trees acting as watchmen over the solo traveller. Some threatening, still with their outlines against the cool sky.

“This was after all, the land of roadside serial killers, Freddie Kreuger and gruesome urban myths”

Trout Island is fictional but is located somewhere in the Northern slopes of the Catskills region. It’s also loosely based on the lovely Franklin village in Upstate New York but the author points out that the Trout Island theatre company is not inspired by the very real and very successful Franklin stage company.

The library is based on Franklin Free Library.

Streetview Maps

B) NY -The Catskills
C) NY - Franklin - Library

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: Every Vow you Break

Author/ Guide: Julia Crouch  Destination: New York (Trout Island), Franklin  Departure Time : 2000s

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