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  • Location: Spain

Fairy Tales from Spain: 19 Spanish Fairy Stories for Children

Fairy Tales from Spain: 19 Spanish Fairy Stories for Children

Why a Booktrail?

A lovely set of stories from around Spain

  • ISBN: 978-1491255148
  • Genre: Childrens, Folklore, Short Stories

What you need to know before your trail

This collection includes nineteen fantastic fairy tales for children. The stories are: (1) Khing-Chu-Fu, (2) The City of Fortune, (3) The Garden of Health, (4) Carabi! Carabo!, (5) The Author of the Wall, (6) Devil’s Tournament, (7) The Treasure of the Dragon, (8) The Man with the Two Faces, (9) The Treachery of Micifuf, (10) Trompetilla and Trompetin, (11) The Quack Doctor, (12) The Drawing School, (13) The Man with the Nose, (14) The Island of Brilliants, (15) The Judgment of the Flowers, (16) The Three Questions, (17) The Captain’s Exploit, (18) The Topsy-Turvy World, and (19) Don Suero the Proud.

Travel Guide



You’ll discover the history and culture of the country with this set of stories! They take you further afield too, such as the China seas in one story!

Trompetilla and Trompetin

“ I am the witch Trompetilla, the daughter of the celebrated Trompeton and grand-daughter of Trompetazo, and am looking for my son Trompetin everywhere, without being able to find him.”

The island of brilliants

The bar Esperanza with all canvas spread was sailing the China sea, when a violent storm overtook her. The event was so rapid that it gave no time to be forseen…
…The Island of Brilliants! He exclaimed, and instantly all appeared in order to contemplate it”

The story of Don Suero

“Once there was, in remote times, a knight named Don Suero de las Navas, feudal lord of a number of Spanish villages, with a quantity of titles sufficient to fill one of the biggest pages, so many and so long were they.”

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Fairy Tales from Spain: 19 Spanish Fairy Stories for Children

Destination: Spain Author/guide: J. Munoz Escomez Departure Time: Timeless

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