Why a Booktrail?
A ‘revolution of the word’
A ‘revolution of the word’
Finnegans Wake is the book of Here Comes Everybody and Anna Livia Plurabelle and their family – their book, but in a curious way the book of us all as well as all our books. Joyce’s last great work, it is not comprised of many borrowed styles, like Ulysses, but, rather, formulated as one dense, tongue-twisting soundscape.
James Joyce’s Dublin
James Joyce featured Dublin in most if not all of his work but actually spent most of his life outside of Ireland. On practically every street corner there is a memory or a moment which is Joyce inspired. There are a few points important to the author which you should take care to visit in particular:
Belvedere College; North Hardwicke Street, – the setting of the short story ‘The Boarding House’ and Joyce’s alma mater.
The Gresham Hotel – the setting of the final and most memorable scene of the short story ‘The Dead’
The James Joyce Statue on North Earl Street, affectionately known as the ‘Prick with the Stick’.
No. 7 Eccles Street – the home of Leopold Bloom’ – remember the time he went to buy a pork kidney in Ulysses?
Author/Guide: James Joyce Destination: Dublin, Ireland
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