Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: New York

Fish Bowl

Fish Bowl

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Ian the Goldfish takes a leap of faith from his bowl in an apartment on the 27th floor…this is a fish with adventure in mind

  • ISBN: 978-0091956929
  • Genre: Fiction, Humour

What you need to know before your trail

Life is tough when you’re a goldfish, Imagine seeing the same old, same old everyday without the chance of escape? Then imagine you take that leap of faith, well following a series of rather unfortunate events, and you find yourself finally free…

Up until this moment, life was just one merry go round of life in a small apartment in a tall apartment block with a range of characters all caught up together in a goldfish like bowl existence.

As Ian falls, he gets to see them all, in flashes of life, snippets in the life of a goldfish as he falls from his monotonous existence through that of others.

The booktrail shows you a view of New York you might see if Ian the Goldfish was your guide!

Travel Guide

It can’t be easy being a goldfish when all you want to do is have the adventure of your life. Trapped in one small space, you dream of freedom and adventure when all you have is one small space in the big wide world.
You have a good view from your bowl on the 27th floor of your tower block but still, that’s no substitute for real adventure. So when the chance arises to take a leap – then you take it. Imagine the sad alternative –

“an entire life devoted to a fishbowl will make one die an old fish with not one adventure had.”

So, the adventure begins and Ian takes only four seconds to fall. However, they are the most exhilarating four seconds of his life -snapshots of life of those who live in his building, everyone from pregnant Petunia to Jimenez the man fixing the lift is seen in their own fishbowl of life – a small part of a huge universe with a window on each person in that building.

Separate stories binding us all together and all through the eyes of a very special fish.

A goldfish with  a bird’s eye view of the world

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