Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Amsterdam, Chiapas, Yucatán, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala

The Girl Who Had No Fear

The Girl Who Had No Fear

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: You’d better have less fear than George when you see where she goes in this novel!

  • ISBN: B01GNSR5M8
  • Genre: Crime, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Amsterdam: a city where sex sells and drugs come easy. Four dead bodies have been pulled from the canals – and that number’s rising fast. Is a serial killer on the loose? Or are young clubbers falling prey to a lethal batch of crystal meth?

Chief Inspector Van den Bergen calls on criminologist Georgina McKenzie to help him solve this mystery. George goes deep undercover among the violent gangs of Central America. Working for the vicious head of a Mexican cartel, she must risk her own life to find the truth. With murder everywhere she turns, can George get people to talk before she is silenced for good?

Travel Guide

Which is more dangerous and has the darkest underbelly? Amsterdam or Central America where the gangs live in the shadows? You might still not be sure after reading this.

Both places resemble a jungle in more ways than one. Trying to find a needle in a haystack or a father in a country of millions is never going to be easy. Harder still when you’re being chased by a criminal you helped put in prison. It’s like the Celebrity Jungle, The Krypton Factor and The Crystal Maze (albeit with Crystal Meth inside) all rolled into one.


George’s familiar stomping ground. Of course the nastier and dirtiest shadows of Amsterdam are where she hides in the shadows and waits. The red light area and the streets paved with drugs and worse are the side to the city she is sadly familiar with.

Central America – Chiapas Mexico and the Yucatan jungle

Even the language gets more fierce when in the drug infuelled chapters – ‘dumb bitches’ and ‘feeding people to the crocodiles’. ‘Comprende?’ Very different and so much more dangerous than Amsterdam as George is out of her comfort zone – that’s if she even has one. The jungle chapters are raw and visceral. Confusing for the characters – this is a whole new world. The drug regions of the world and life here counts for nothing. The inferno like heat almost blasts from the pages so by the time you return to Amsterdam you’ll be relieved that it’s somewhat cooler although no less dangerous.

The area of the Yucatan jungle and Chiapas on the border with Guatemala is a “Hellish, godforsaken land”


Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

I swear these books get better and better. This was a nice ramping up of the action – not that it needed it but when I discovered George would be headed deep into the heart of the Central American jungle I did do a little jump of glee.What would she make of that and them of her? If you though the creatures of the dark lagoon she comes across in Amsterdam were anything to go by, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

There is great character development in these books and the story is definitely enhanced by reading the books in order. This one I think takes things to a whole new level and is full of action which never lets up. Never mind the girl who had no fear, this girl reading it has and I can’t sleep with my pounding heart!

The series of #TheGirlWho is a drug fuelled rip roaring epic trail. It’s a fantastic experience and I for one am impatiently waiting for the next one! (Once I’ve recovered)

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: The Girl Who Had No Fear

Author/Guide: Marni Riches Destination: Amsterda, Central America, Mexico  Departure Time: 2000s

Twitter: @Marnie_Riches  Facebook: /Marnie-Riches  Web: marnieriches.com

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